Please be advised that there is a fair amount of potentially triggering content in Re:Kinder.

  • Blood, gore, and child death: though the scenes are rendered in the overworld only and not terribly detailed due to the pixel-art graphics, gore and major character death are mainstays throughout the entire story.
  • Suicide: there are at least 2 mandatory on-screen suicide attempts in the True End, and one other potential off-screen attempt depending on your actions. Suicidality is a persistent thematic element of the story.
  • Verbal domestic abuse (on-screen)
  • Sexual references: persistent sexual humor throughout the game may be uncomfortable for some players in juxtaposition to the young age of the cast members. Mandatory dialogue in all routes of the game includes brief mentions of animal abuse and incest. At least one variation of the Killer End involves a scene of verbal sexual coercion between two main characters, though nothing comes of it.

The final bullet point is espescially strongly emphasized – this aspect of the game can be very difficult to stomach at times and I recommend proceeding with caution if this is an area of concern for you.